
Get ready to discover how to optimise your health by unlocking the secrets hidden in your DNA.

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Here are some answers to the common questions we receive.

What benefits are there to subscribe?

We base our service on the latest scientific knowledge, which means we are continuously introducing new DNA insights which you will automatically receive as part of your subscription.

Is myDigitalTwin available on mobile?

Yes! We developed myDigitalTwin for desktop and mobile devices such as your smartphone, i.e. you can reach myDigitalTwin from anywhere and access your results.

How do you secure my data?

Data security is one of the most important corporate values for us. For this reason we have developed a 2-factor authentication so that you can log into myDigitalTwin and really only you have access to your results.

Where is the DNA analysis done?

We work together with a partner laboratory in Salzburg / Austria, which is one of the most modern in Europe and carries out all analyzes to the highest quality standard. All data is processed under the highest security standards and your sample is destroyed after analysis.

How do I provide my DNA?

That's easy! The DNA test kit contains 1 collection tube that you use to provide your saliva sample. Further instructions are provided in the test kit.

How much are the shipping costs?

Shipping to Austria and Germany is completely free. We work together with the usual parcel service providers and you can always track where your delivery is using the tracking number.‍

Which languages are supported?

You can currently access myDigitalTwin in German and English. The language displayed is based on your browser language, which you can change if needed.

What is a Digital Twin?

The Digital Twin is your personal, digital assistant who explains the results of your DNA analyses. It is interactive and in easy-to-understand to help you optimise your health and wellbeing.

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